Won’t you sponsor a girl?
iThings 2 Collard Greens is seeking tax-deductible donations. We are appealing for girls. Please contribute generously in the memory of your sister, auntie, mama, grandmother or friend. Keep alive the energy of strong, capable, loving and nurturing women. Help girls develop an attitude of service, increased self-sufficiency, self esteem and self-love!
Sponsorship is $600 for our
Six Week Day Camp
A Beautiful Purpose
We are happy to announce the Zuri Nia Scholarship to iThings 2 Collard Greens honoring Rev. Zuri Nia whose Swahili name translates to “beautiful purpose”.
Rev. Zuri was our yoga teacher for the first three years. In addition to teaching yoga, she was a minister, a personal trainer, and a healing practitioner. Each of these gifts she brought to our girls during her summers with us. Sadly, she made her transition in November 2015 after a short illness.
Your tax-deductible donation in her name will support young girls attending the day camp or retreat . Please see the YouTube below demonstrating Rev. Zuri’s commitment to our girls. We are honored to keep her memory alive. Thank you for your contribution!